Here's Why You Should Dress for Success
You may have heard how dressing for success can actually help you become more successful. But how can an outfit achieve this? Let's take a look at what it means to dress for success.
There are many reasons why people dress well, and it's not always simply to make an impression. If you put on a tailored suit, with just the right accessories and stylish shirt, you immediately feel better about yourself, and even energetic and excited. In a way, it transforms you. But there's much more to it than simply looking good, and there has been a lot of research to prove this.
Scientists from various universities recently published a study that takes a look at how your clothing can affect your thoughts. The results found that wearing formal clothes can boost your ability to think more practically, and it will keep you from any negative thoughts. This sounds very interesting and is definitely a great benefit for anyone who needs to dress formally as part of their work attire.
It's all in the science
As mentioned, there have been various studies to determine what influence your dress code has on your way of thinking. A study in 1955, proved that formal wear portrays a form of authority. They did an experiment where someone in the city crossed the street against traffic. When he was dressed in a suit, more than three times as many people followed him, as when he was wearing a simple work shirt and trousers. These results speak for themselves.
First impressions always count
There is a saying, “don't judge a book by its cover”, which is true in many ways. But marketing teams create a product, with the understanding that people do in fact judge what they see. The same goes with how you dress. Your visual image that you present to others through your appearance and clothing is very important. Unfortunately, we live in a judgmental world, and people are very quick to make assumptions and to categorize individuals based on how they look.
Boost your self-respect
If you take the time and if dress well, and you take pride into how you look, you will undoubtedly radiate an image of self-respect and self-worth. People will see you in your neatly fitted clothing, and they will immediately start to think that you already are worth their time and business.
Boost your self-confidence
Dressing for success automatically boosts your self-confidence. It has a great influence on how people perceive you. When you feel good on the outside, you are likely to feel good on the inside, which will automatically boost your attitude and your self-confidence. This, in turn, leads us to try our best which automatically brings better results.
Attracting the right attention
When you dress sharply, there is a big chance you will get noticed by many. Dressing up to get noticed is one of the reasons why a formal wear is so popular. Dressing sharply is the first step to attracting and keeping attention. A well-dressed man or woman with a good style will always look nicely put together.
Increase your overall self-improvement
If you put effort into what you wear, you will quickly notice that it has positive effects on your lifestyle. As your confidence grows, so will your self-perception; this can lead to important lifestyle changes. People will start to treat you differently, because they'll notice something about who has improved. This may even inspire you to make other changes, such as eating better, working out more, or pursuing the kind of job or life you really want.
It boosts productivity
It’s easy to just put on a shirt and trousers, and this can lead to you becoming lazy. Getting out of your comfort zone and dressing stylishly will allow you to look well, feel well, and be more motivated to do things you never wanted to do. This will make you more productive, which is always a good thing for the people around you. When you get up early and dress sharply, you set the tone for a busy and productive day.
It shows you pay attention to details
If you put time and effort into how you dress, especially with matching accessories, it'll show potential for current employers, and prove that you pay attention to detail. This can be an advantage, since you will likely take pride in how you look and also pride in the work you do. This demonstrates that you can stand behind your work, which may just give you the edge in a job opportunity.
A competitive edge
If you dress to impress, it will give you a competitive edge. Not just finding a job, but also to help you to gain new business or even close a potential sale. The strong first impression leaves a lasting impression. So when you dress well, it shows that you are taking care of yourself and you’re ready to take care of business.
It's fun to dress up
Ever since you were a child, it was always fun to dress up. Dressing for success can be just as fun. Experiment with different styles and colors and see how the reactions differ from each other. Go with what is most suited for you, and never be afraid to change things up every now and then to keep things exciting!